Styling Etiquette
A comprehensive initial 4 hr profile evaluation session. Geared to provide a clear definitive knowledge about basic styling. The program provides you with enough personalized instruction to create your personal Unique Style Brand (USB), that transcends lifestyle changes. Enabling you to adapt authentic clothing classifications suitable for your body type and lifestyle. At the end you’ll be able to look stylish, empowered, enhance and boost your confidence.
A step by step guide to develop a personal Unique Style Brand (USB)
Comprehensive style analysis based on your lifestyle - fit & color
Implementation of acquired information to adapt for your signature looks
The Apple Shape
Shoulders are broader than your hips
No defined waistline but overall well-proportioned
Not necessarily as curvy through your hip
Style Tips:
Silhouettes to compliment and play up your full bust, great legs and/or arms
The Pear Shape
Waist is wider than bust | Fuller hips and butt
Narrow shoulders compared to your hips
Hip Measurement is 5% more than your shoulders
Style Tips:
Silhouettes that elongates your body
The Full Hour Glass
Shoulders and hip measurements are even
Well-defined waistline
A rounded bottom, hip and thighs
Waist is at least 25% smaller than your shoulders
Style Tips:
Structured and tailored silhouettes are perfect for Frame
The Inverted Triangle Shape
Top-heavy | A definitive waistline
Shoulders/Bust are larger than hips | Great legs
Bottom half is smaller than upper half
Shoulders measured 5% bigger than your hips
Style Tips:
Silhouettes should draw attention to your bottom half, define your waist
Garment to skim shoulders and not add volume
The Rectangle Shape
Hips and Shoulders have the same width
You do not have curves
Bust is small and you have a flat bottom
Busts and hips measurements are 5% off each other
Waist is less than 25% smaller than shoulders
Style Tips:
Silhouettes, to create curves (by defining the waistline and exaggerating either the bottom or top half to create curves
Key elements is to add dimensions to both your body/figure ( adding to both your upper and lower bottom and deducting from your waist